577. Sidetrips, Costumes, Trolls, and the Flesh

Reviewing the week and talking about Billie Eilish’s continuing lament over internet trolls

576. Dog Bites, Bad Rules, Reality, and Analogies

Quickly reviewing the article “Why Physicists still don’t know what reality is,” by Jed Brody and chatting about the week.

575. Facts, Color, Experience, and Consciousness

Chatting about the TED-Ed talk “Mary’s Room: A philosophical thought experiment” by Eleanor Nelsen

574. The Unchangable Past, The Unpredictable Future, Our Attitudes, and Their Effects

Chatting about our approach to the future.

573. Walks, Viruses, Water, and Mercies

Chatting about the week

572. Viruses, Beauty, Bodies, and Flesh

Chatting about the week and Billie Eilish’s decision to address the body trolls. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!!! GOT A LITTLE LOST…

571. Tea Lights, Bassoon Straps, Hedgetrimmer Batteries, and the Everything Store

Reviewing the article “Amazon Ruined Online Shopping” by Ian Bogost

570. Tooth Fairies, Perceptions, Challenges, and Whispers

Reviewing the article “All Career Advice for Women Is a Form of Gaslighting” and the events of the week

569. Matter, Information, Realism, and Mind

Reviewing the article “Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind” by Bernardo Kastrup

568. Devices, Meditation, Books, and Deep Work

Reviewing “Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging You Brain” by Srinivas Rao