Archive for June 2018

483. Complaining, Flesh, Gratitude, and Solutions

Reviewing the article “How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity” by Dr. Travis Bradberry. Sorry about the SOUND!!! The wind was hitting the microphones. I won’t do that again. (Think of it as a chance not to complain!)

482. Hormones, Executive Function, Age, and Autonomy

Reviewing the article, “Bill’s Belated #MeToo Moment” by Maureen Dowd

481. Oppression, Suffering, White Knuckles, and the Supernatural

Reviewing the YouTube video “Jordan Peterson — His Finest Moment” NOTE: 2018-06-21 For some reason, WordPress has decided to not display Episode 482 on this list. You can click on 481 and then use the navigation at the bottom to advance to 482 while I investigate!!!!

480. Timbre, Lyrics, Harmony, and Commercialization

Reviewing the YouTube video “The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful” By Thoughty2